Owner, General Manager, Sales Manager
Working within a Blue Sky Certified environment
« We all have energy needs to meet. That’s why at Sequoia, we see every individual as a potential energy producer. We enjoy showing people how our equipment works. We analyze each project in detail and propose solutions that are both simple and effective. We share our expertise throughout the entire process of installing a new heating system. That way, our customers can be sure they’re working within their own Blue Sky Certified environment »
Owner, CEO
What we want to pass on to future generations
« Sequoia is much more than just a company. It’s a dream that started with a nature lover and eventually became the shared ambition of a whole group of passionate individuals. Through Sequoia, we help people to considerably reduce their heating costs. We support our community by encouraging the collection of biomass, a locally produced fuel. We respectfully collect a portion of what nature rejects to generate a form of clean energy. Biomass derived from responsible forest management methods is considered a limitless source of energy. That’s what we call sustainable development, and it’s what we want to pass on to future generations. »
Let’s not forget about the other members of our fantastic team:
- Yannick Therrien : Director, Marketing
- Stéphanie Parent : Director, Industrial Design and Subcontracting
- Benoît Pépin : Director, SR&ED and Product Improvement
- Marc-Olivier Gingras : Director, Production and Quality
- Sandra Letarte : Administration and Purchasing
- Michel Bergeron : Tooling and Maintenance
- Sébastien Bisson : Welding
- Jérémie Bessette : Welding
- Samuel Hébert-Vaillancourt : Assembly
- Yanick Paulin Grosset : Assembly
- Vicky Prince : Shipping and Ordering
Do you share our vision of the future of energy?